The German small-town is a comedy in four acts by August von Kotzebue, which deals with the petty-bourgeois world. The mayor of the town of Krähwinkel wants to marry his daughter Sabine to the construction, mountain and route inspector substitute Sperling. The daughter, who had previously spent a year in the city of residence, met a gentleman there (Mr. Karl Olmers), of whom she is very impressed. Under no circumstances does she want to be married to Sperling because Olmers and Sabine want to get married. Shortly before the engagement with Sperling, said Mr. Olmers from the residence suddenly appears in Krähwinkel and tries to prevent the engagement with Sperling and, as a possible son-in-law, the To win over relatives of Sabine. The relatives (uncles, aunts and grandmothers) are irritated and astonished by the gentleman from the residence and his "metropolitan" customs. Since everything in the town of Krähwinkel has its bourgeois rules that Mr. Olmers tends not to bother, he also meets with resistance. (Source: Wikipedia)