"Block B - locked up" is a German television series that tells the everyday life in a prison for women. Block B is the German adaptation of the Australian series Wentworth. In this episode, Rita warns Bea with a subtle threat not to rise up against her. Concerned about the well-being of her daughter, Bea seeks support from Chris. But Chris gives Bea a tough lesson in loyalty in prison: Bea has to face Rita alone. Meanwhile, Chris gives Alex the idea that an inmate, but a law enforcement officer, could be behind the murder of his wife.
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_B_%E2%80%93_Unter_Arrest
- https://www.fernsehserien.de/block-b-unter-arrest/folgen/1x04-unsere-schuld-698098
OFDb title (film) id
Countries involved in project.