Nikola is a German comedy series that was produced from 1997 to 2005. The main actors are Mariele Millowitsch and Walter Sittler. The 9 seasons of the series enjoyed great popularity in Germany. In this episode, Dr. Schmidt got on the dog: He is so impressed by the “noble character” of a patient's Doberman that he buys the animal from her. Schmidt even registers “Caesar von Adelmann” for a dog show, sure of victory. But the day of the competition turns into a disaster.
Vera (Anett Heilfort) has no job and no man. As is so often the case, she seeks advice from her astrologer Luna (Karin Ugowski) and is rammed by a 150-kilo man on roller blades shortly thereafter. Before she faints, she hears the erotic voice of Markus Werner calling the emergency doctor. Vera immediately fell in love with this voice and starts an extensive search for him. She and her friends all rummage Markus Werner out of the phone book, but Vera's dream man is not there. When searching, each of them will find their own "Markus Werner".
In order not to lose her wonderful house, the unemployed widow Pia Brandt forged her certificates and got a job as a private secretary. Pia is to help the noble Isabel Haberland, who wants to set up an ambitious new project with her "Foundation for Nature and Environment". That's why Pia has to keep the ladies of the good company in a good mood and gets into a skid. Even their four lively children cannot be simply retouched away.
Children wants to be adults. But what happens when this becomes reality through a spell. This is exactly what happens to the siblings Thomas (Alexander Milke) and Katja (Anja Humboldt). For an afternoon they can change into the shape of their parents, always hoping to be able to enjoy the "beautiful" life of the great people. But the children are immediately exposed to complications in their new life, which is why they are happy to be able to undo the "transformation" immediately and to be a child again.
Wanted and found is a consequence of the series "Acting" which ran from 1978 to 1990. Here actors show off their acting skills and slip convincingly into several roles. The popular actress Karin Ugowski acts in this episode; Among other things, she shows herself as a serious sister of a widower, as an energetic wife and talkative colleague.
Mama's boy Detlef (Jaecki Schwarz) is a late bloomer when it comes to love. His previous acquaintances quickly separated from him after having had coffee with his mother. One day he decides to change this and submits a marriage announcement and receives more letters than he would have ever imagined. So he plunges into one love adventure after another. His life changes because he gets to know a number of young women and is becoming more and more confident. Soon there will be nothing left of the Mama's boy...
The night with Friedemann tells three cheerful faces by Dieter Müller. In the first story one wonders: who is Friedemann? And what's going on the night someone spends with this Friedemann? Of course it's about love. It ignites from the literary opposition of a scientist (Alfred Struwe) and a young scientist (Karin Ugowski).
It all starts with a snap idea. Peter Schönfeld (Dieter Mann), a good husband, whose excess of virtue seems suspicious, is to be subjected to a loyalty test. Rosemarie (Karin Ugwoski), the best friend of Peter's wife Regina (Margot Busse), wants to dissuade the straw widower from the path of virtue with all sorts of tricks and erotic finesse. This leads to all kinds of confusion and confusion. So it will be interesting to see whether the "hero" of the play Peter Schönfeld can finally say: Yes, I am such a man!
"Pensioners are always busy" is a 20-part television series in 12 of them the actress Karin Ugowski play the role of Maria Winkler. The series focuses on the experiences of the retired couple Anna and Paul Schmidt (Helga Göring and Herbert Köfer). They always have their hands full, their help is welcome and is used by numerous fellow human beings. And the two are happy to help - as a result, their lives always remain varied and interesting.
This comedy by László Tabi shows the couple Peter (Rolf Herricht) and Maria (Karin Ugowski) in a kind of state of emergency. When the student Kati (Kathrin Martin) is present as a guest, Peter gets thoughts as to whether the young student could mean more in his life. A mind game based on the motto "What if ..." The couple gets to the point where they wonder what their marriage is (still) worth.