“The Invisible Visor” is a multi-part television film series that was produced from 1973 to 1979. 1966, Afrikaanse Broederbond was a secret organization in South Africa. The members of this association held all top positions in politics and business. The young scientist Jürgen Machholz (Jürgen Reuter) poisoned in secret experiments that were carried out in a South African institute. In order to save his life, he embarks on an adventurous flight to Germany. He is immediately followed by agents from three secret services: the South African secret service BOSS, the German BND and the American CIA. When he arrives in Germany, he walks past his wife Eva (Karin Ugowski) without a word so as not to endanger her. A race against time begins because Eva is kidnapped to South Africa.
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0737473/?ref_=tt_ep_pr
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_unsichtbare_Visier
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Das_unsichtbare_Visier#Zweite_Staffel,_f%C3%BCnfte_Episode_(Folgen_10%E2%80%9312)_von_1977
- https://www.fernsehserien.de/das-unsichtbare-visier/folgen/2x07-der-afrikaanse-broederbond-1-28271
- http://www.fernsehenderddr.de/index.php?script=dokumentationsblatt-detail&id1=17132
- https://www.dailyme.de/content/show/20523-das-unsichtbare-visier/3509721-der-afrikaanse-broederbond-teil-1