Dwarf Nose

Many years ago there was a woman who sold vegetables on the market. Her beautiful son, Jakob by name, helped her. One day an old woman came and fiddled with all the goods so that Jakob got too much and he roughly reprimanded the old woman. When he finally took the old woman home with what she had bought, the old woman transformed him into an ugly and unsightly figure. He had to serve the old woman for seven years, but it felt like it had only been a few minutes. When he got back to the market, his mother didn't recognize him and the people in the place mock the deformity. So Jakob suddenly has no one left to tell him what to do. He has to find his way around the world alone. With the fairy he learned to cook the finest dishes. That helps him now, he becomes the first court cook for a rich duke. The duke gave him the name "dwarf nose" He saves a goose that is actually an enchanted princess from the saucepan. She finds the herb that gives it back its correct shape. They flee from the castle, when they too change back and both become a happy couple.

  • http://www.xn--hrdat-jua.de/index.php
  • https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/zwerg-nase.961.de.html?dram:article_id=148076
  • http://hoerspiele.dra.de/vollinfo.php?dukey=1516826&vi=8&SID
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_Nose
  • https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Zwerg_Nase
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