This film focuses on three men: Horst Knüpfer (Horst Drinda), Jürgen Matthes (Peter Reusse), Peter Vorberger (Jaecki Schwarz) and their relationships with their women. Peter is 30 years old and has - again !! - found the woman for life: Ina Wendler (Ingeborg Westphal). This concerns him so much that his professional interests take a back seat and the disputes between Knüpfer and Matthes have little effect.


Kippenberg is a feature film from 1981, based on the novel of the same name by Dieter Noll from 1979. The title hero Joachim Kippenberg (Peter Aust), 36 years old, a successful doctor and chemist, is faced with serious decisions. At this point, 19-year-old Eva (Marijam Agischewa) enters his life. Kippenberg shakes up her ideas about life, and he feels compelled to rethink the relationship with his wife Charlotte (Renate Blume). This also leads to arguments with his colleagues. Will he burn out with Eva and give up his responsibility at the institute?

The film is based on Klaus Beuchler's youth book of the same name. Uwe (Thomas Winter) had set himself ambitious goals; he wanted to become world champion in diving. But then his father is killed in a traffic accident and his mother (Karin Ugowski) survives with severe injuries. This changed Thomas life. From now on, it's all about keeping his mother and the household going. One day Uwe met the girl Silke (Susanne Nagel). Their first encounter is anything but romantic. Uwe injures her when he jumps into the pool. But Silke sees it calmly and is interested in this guy.

This film is a historical drama and is based on real events and deals with the story of Agnes Wabnitz, daughter of a wealthy inn owner, born in 1841. A police report of the Berlin district from August 28, 1894 shows that Agnes Wabnitz was found dead in the courtyard of a church in Friedrichshain. She lived in the empire of that time and always stood out as an uncomfortable, socially critical person who knew how to inspire the audience for herself and her views.

Two friends make a plan. Everything should go very quickly and nothing could go wrong. One of them, Jens Pohle (Ulrich Müller), was not entirely honest with his fiancé Marion (Johanna Schall). He doesn't work as an engineer for mechanical engineering, but as a locksmith. He cannot finance what he wants to offer her. Together with his friend Erwin (Detlef Nier), he wants to raid the chief accountant of their company on the day the wages are paid. But it doesn't go as planned and Erwin is seriously injured.

“The Invisible Visor” is a multi-part television film series that was produced from 1973 to 1979. 1966, Afrikaanse Broederbond was a secret organization in South Africa. The members of this association held all top positions in politics and business. The young scientist Jürgen Machholz (Jürgen Reuter) poisoned in secret experiments that were carried out in a South African institute. In order to save his life, he embarks on an adventurous flight to Germany.

Magically attracted by cards, dice and roulette, they try their luck. The meeting point is the Reinhardt couple's apartment, which turns into a gambler's paradise in the evening. Dagmar (Karin Ugowski), the young wife, enjoys life in prosperity. With the money she has earned, she can satisfy her excessive living demands. However, Kante ends Dagmar's lucky streak. With skill, lazy tricks and hoax, he pulls luck on his side.

A sophisticated trio has teamed up in the “Waldidyll” restaurant: Hilla Simke (Karin Ugwoski), her husband Benno (Jürgen Zartmann) and the waiter Justus (Bernd Stegemann). They defraud their guests and the state. In this way, the three doubled their income. You can afford a luxury apartment, drive a new car and have an expensive hobby. So far everything went smoothly, but now the new waitress Ilona (Renate Reinecke) brings unrest to her house when she gets on with Benno Simke and Hilla catches the two inflagrantie.

​​​​​​The man for all seasons - that is how Harry Korn (Volkmar Kleinert) could be called, wherever he appears there is always something going on. Even in his job as a tram driver, he behaves carefully and helpfully. But one day he comes into conflict with the law through human error. He is dishonest with his wife (Karin Ugowski), his mother (Erika Dunkelmann) and their colleagues. He has had financial difficulties many times, but so far he has always been able to squirm.

A fire breaks out during the training session in the team of the ice sailors. The athletes and the caretaker try to extinguish it themselves until the fire department arrives. A valuable Hogarth graphic is discovered in the suitcase of the captain of ice sailors, Klaus Grabowski, in front of the house. This was stolen from private ownership a few weeks ago. The team captain and some of his comrades are now suspected of theft and smuggling abroad. Lieutenant Hübner and Commissioner Helga Lindt begin the investigation.